Sindh Police jobs 2024 – Apply Today!


Are you looking for Sindh Police jobs 2024? Sindh Police is offering dynamic career opportunities across various roles, including ASI, Constables, and more. We welcome applications from both male and female candidates who are passionate about upholding law and order. Positions are available in BPS 01-14, with diverse job functions and growth potential. Apply today to become a vital part of sindh police dedicated team serving the community.

 We encourage you to submit an application for any of the open roles in Sindh Police if you are a driven and committed person who supports our goals.

Sindh Police jobs 2024

If you are a motivated and dedicated individual who shares our values and mission, we invite you to apply for various positions in Sindh Police.

Place of vacancyMasonCarpenterTailorBaberCookLangariMaliWater ManSanitary workerConstablesASISub InspectorGrand totalDomicile District
Range Officer Sukkur11285762015050170All District of Sukkur Range
District Sukkur111212219District Sukkur
District Ghotki156District Ghotki
District  Khairpur111  45113District Khairpur
Grand Total222285782737087105

Qualifications Required for Jobs

The qualifications required for jobs in the Sindh Police generally include:

  • Age: 18 to 30 years old;
  • Education: Matric or equivalent for posts in BPS 05;
  • Professional/Experience Certificate of Relevant Trade;
  • Second Class Bachelor’s Degree for BPS 09;
  • First Class Bachelor’s Degree for BPS 14;
  • Height: 5’5″ (males) for BPS 01–04, but 5’7 for remaining posts
  • 33″ in the chest
  • Nationality of Pakistan;
  • Physical fitness: pass physical examination;
  • Preferably Literate, in the case of sanitary workers
Dedicated to maintaining law and order

"Sindh Police job opportunities with details on positions, requirements, and application process."

Responsibilities Towards Jobs

The responsibilities for jobs in the Sindh Police can vary by position, but generally include:

  • Barber: – Keep police officers’ personal grooming (shaven heads, hairstyles, etc.), offer convicts barber services (if applicable) and most importantly maintain a tidy and orderly barbershop and tools.
  • Tailor: Police gear and uniforms can be altered and repaired. Make new outfits and accessories (if necessary) and make sure the customized things are delivered on time.
  • Mason: – Maintain and restore police infrastructure and buildings. He must be obliged to build new facilities or structures (if necessary) and support rehabilitation and refurbishment projects
  • Sanitary Worker: – Make sure that police facilities are hygienic, and clean police property, including offices, barracks, and public places. Most importantly he must properly dispose of waste and recyclables.
    Other Class IV employees:
  • Cook: Prepare meals for police personnel and prisoners (if applicable)
  • Dhobi (Laundry Worker): Wash, iron, and maintain police uniforms and linens
  • Mali (Gardener): Maintain police gardens, lawns, and green area.
  • Sweeper: Clean and maintain police premises, including floors, corridors, and public areas.
    certify Police Constable (BPS-05): carries out law enforcement responsibilities, upholds law and order, and supports investigations.
  • ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector): In addition to performing technical tasks, the individual manages and keeps police wireless communication equipment in working order, fulfills law enforcement responsibilities and assists with investigations; • Upholds law and order.
  • Sub-Inspector (BPS-14): Leads and assists with operations, disposes of explosive ordnance, trains staff, and upholds law and order

How To Apply For sindh police jobs

  • Application forms filed-up improperly shall not be entertained.
  • Application along with copies of attested document Le CNIC, Domicile & PRC, Educational & Profession Experience Certificates (where applicable) and 04 recent pasaport size photographs should be deposited at the Office of Deputy Inspector General of Police Sukkur Range through post/courier service at the address-SP Legal Office @ DIGP Office Sukkur Range near SRP Headquarter Shikarpur Road Sukkur.
  • Candidates shall undergo Interview/skill test wherever applicable. Test venue and date shall be commu- nicated later through SMS or website.Application should be accompanied with all attested documents of the candidates. All candidates shall sign a declaration that all information provided by them is correct.
  • Additional 15-maks shall be given to candidates, who are the sons/daughter of retired employees of Sindh Police or serving employees of Sindh Police have 25 years qualifying service, after the declared qualified for interview.

Benefits of sindh police officers

Working in the Sindh Police offers several benefits, including:

  • Competitive salary and benefits package.
  • Opportunities for career growth and development.
  • Comprehensive training program.
  • The chance to make a positive difference in society by maintaining law and order and ensuring public safety.
  • Comprehensive benefits including pension plans, medical facilities, and leave entitlements.
  • Collaborative work environment.

About Sindh police jobs

The Sindh Police is a law enforcement agency established in 1843 under a proclamation issued by Sir Charles James Napier, who became the conqueror of the State of Sindh by defeating the forces of the Talpur rulers at the Battle of Miani near Hyderabad on 20 March 1843.

Ever since its inception, the organization was raised on the model of the Royal Irish Constabulary to maintain law and order and law enforcement in SindhPakistan.

This is your chance to join the Sindh Police and serve your community! With various vacancies available, including positions for ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector) and constables, you can find exciting opportunities in cities like Karachi.

Ensure you check the last date for applications and apply online through the official Sindh Police website, Keep an eye out for new jobs and current openings in the Sindh Police, as they frequently update their listings.

Whether you’re seeking a police job in Karachi or elsewhere in Sindh, don’t miss the opportunity to start a fulfilling career in law enforcement. Join the Sindh Police today and make a difference!

For more details about sindh police visit this site:

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